Printing and attaching tags
Got all (or some of) your items priced in our online tagging system?
Here's the next step!
Supplies needed:
Printer (black or color)
White cardstock (paper rips easily and tags get lost)
Scissors/Paper cutter
Tagging gun or safety pins (NO stick pins!)
Zip ties
Printing tags
Login to the consignor portal.
From the Consignor Inventory Menu, choose Print Tags. You can choose to print all tags, or unprinted tags. If you have previously printed tags, choose unprinted tags to avoid duplicate printing. If you change a tag previously printed, the new one will print when you print all unprinted tags.
Make sure pop-ups are not blocked on your device.
Print the tags on white cardstock. (Barcodes on colored cardstock do not scan well.) Tags print 10 to a page. Cut the tags on the lines.
Tags will have an item number on them for easy sorting if you keep your clothes in the order in which you entered them.

Attaching your tags
Use safety pins or tagging guns to attach the tag. Please do not use straight pins! Volunteers and shoppers get stabbed! Pin the tag to an existing tag on the garment if possible, otherwise pin to a seam to avoid holes in the clothing.
** IMPORTANT! ** Do not tag through the fabric and create a hole!
We do not accept items with holes.
Attach tags to shoes with zip ties, safety pins or similar fasteners. Shoes do not need to be fastened together, except for very small infant shoes.
Tags can be taped to books, games and other non-clothing items. Do not tape over the bar code.
There is a right way and a wrong way to hang clothes.
Here is the right way for Round Robin Resale:
Take a look at the pictures below. You have your piece of clothing on a hanger, and you hold it up to admire it and think how happy it's next owner will be. Ok, look. Does the top of the hanger circle around like a question mark? If not, take the hanger out and turn it around! When shoppers are flipping through the racks, you don't want them to see the back of your shirt instead of the front! Most of us hang one way or the either (maybe a leftie/rightie thing?)
But for Round Robin, please do it our way!
And please, skip the all-wire hangers. Your clothes will end up on the floor and nobody will buy them.
Pants and skirts MUST go on a pants hanger with clip.
2 piece outfits should either be on a 2-piece hanger (preferred!), or tagged/pinned together.
Use an appropriate size hanger. Too small, and again, it's on the floor.
Too large, and it doesn't present your clothing in the best possible way.